Offer - Capping Rules

1. Go to Offers » Offer-Approved

2. Click on the Offer name to enter in its configuration » Capping Tab.

3. Go to Create Capping Rule

Fields in Capping rule

Over Capping Action

  • Pending Conversions - Once Capping reaches its limit. Excess conversions will be recorded as Pending status.

  • Accept Conversions - Conversions will be recorded with Approved status even after Capping hits its limit.

  • Reject Conversions - Conversions after the Capping limit is over will be recorded as rejected status.

  • Stop Offer - Stop Offer Action, will pause the Offer once its Capping hits the defined limit.

  • Enable Fallback - This Action enables the Fallback feature to work after the offer Capping limit is over, and the traffic will be diverted to the Fallback offer or Fallback URL. (Fallback)

  • Enable Fallback + Approve Conversions - This action will redirect traffic to Fallback and If the Advertiser is sending Postback after limit reached then those Conversions will be recorded as approved status.

Last updated