Get started

To start tracking with Offer18's web SDK, one needs to add a script tag in the website.

Placement : Header (All Pages)

<script src="https://web-resources.offer18.net/sdk/web/WebSDK.js"></script>

Users must add the following code snippet into all landing pages except Order confirmation / Order Success (Thank you) page.

Placement : Header (All Pages)


After adding the script one needs to add the following script in thankyou/order-confirmation page

Placement : Thank you Page/Order Success Page (One Page)

        domain: '',
        accountId: '',
        offerId: '',
        postbackType: '', // 'iframe' or 'pixel'
        isGlobalPixel: false, // true or false
        iGamingCampaign: true, // true or false
        allowMultiConversion: false, // true or false
        conversionData: {
            event: '', // Event Name (Please specify the event)
            payout: '', // Payout Amount (Please specify the payout amount)
            sale: '', // Sale Amount (Please specify the sale amount)
            currency: '',
            adv_sub1: '',
            adv_sub2: '',
            adv_sub3: '',
            adv_sub4: '',
            adv_sub5: '',
        userActivityData: {
            'ig-user-id': '',
            'ig-deposit-amount': '',
            'ig-bet-amount': '',
            'ig-win-amount': '',
            'ig-withdrawal-amount': '',
            'ig-bonus-amount': '',
            'ig-product-id': '', 
  1. domain (Mandatory) : Postback domain of the user.

  2. accountId (Mandatory) : Offer18 account id of the user.

  3. offerId (Mandatory) : Id of the campaign.

  4. coupon : Coupon code can be used here

  5. postbackType : It can be either 'iframe' or 'pixel', default value is 'iframe'.

  6. isGlobalPixel : User can configure global pixel by setting this true , default value is false.

  7. iGamingCampaign : User can configure iGaming Postback by setting this true , default value is false.

  8. allowMultiConversion : User can allow MultiConversion by setting this true , default value is false.

  9. conversionData : This object contains the parameters which can be used to get values from network.

  10. userActivityData : This object contains the parameters which can be use to track iGaming user activity data

User ID (ig-user-id) is Mandatory to be passed in iGaming Postback

Example code

        domain: 'example.o18.link',
        accountId: '0000',
        offerId: '00000000',
        iGamingCampaign: true,
        userActivityData: {
            'ig-user-id': 'Customer12',
            'ig-deposit-amount': '12',
            'ig-bet-amount': '5',
            'ig-win-amount': '5',
            'ig-withdrawal-amount': '10',
            'ig-bonus-amount': '5'
            'ig-product-id': 'ludo12', 

Debug Mode

To enable debug mode in an SDK, one can add the following code inside your script:


Enabling debug mode allows user to get more detailed information about the working of the SDK, including any errors or debugging messages.

Last updated

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