Import Offers

1. Go to Tools » Import Data

2. Select Offer Import Template (CSV file)

Once the File gets uploaded Offer data will be displayed in table format. Users must match all column headings as per the data sorted CSV sheet. (Remove 1st heading row after mapping columns)

Mandatory fields in the CSV to import offers

  1. Offer Name

  2. Currency

  3. Advertiser ID ( Numeric )

  4. Advertiser revenue model

  5. Advertiser price

  6. Affiliate cost model

  7. Affiliate payout

  8. Offer URL

  9. Start Date ( MM-DD-YYYY )

  10. Visibility ( open, approval, private )

  11. Status ( live, paused )

Download the Offer Import template file from here and sort your Campaign's data according to template headings.

Last updated