Offer - Capping Rules
1. Go to Offers » Offer-Approved
2. Click on the Offer name to enter in its configuration » Capping Tab.
3. Go to Create Capping Rule
Fields in Capping rule
Field | Description |
Rule Name | Capping rule name |
Rule Type |
Capping type |
Period |
Capping Value | Value of Capping rule In the case of Clicks & Conversions, one needs to add the count of Clicks & Conversions. In the case of Gross Revenue, Approved Revenue, Gross Payout, and Approved Payout one needs to add the amount |
Over Capping Action |
Capping Timezone | Timezone in which the Capping rule will work |
Event | By adding Events in this field Event Capping can be used |
Affiliate Visibility | Capping rule will be hidden or shown in Affiliate Dashboard with this |
Enable rule | Capping rule can be enable / disable from here |
Notification Email | This email will be used to send an Alert to the Partner on triggering the Capping rule |
Over Capping Action
Pending Conversions - Once Capping reaches its limit. Excess conversions will be recorded as Pending status.
Accept Conversions - Conversions will be recorded with Approved status even after Capping hits its limit.
Reject Conversions - Conversions after the Capping limit is over will be recorded as rejected status.
Stop Offer - Stop Offer Action, will pause the Offer once its Capping hits the defined limit.
Enable Fallback - This Action enables the Fallback feature to work after the offer Capping limit is over, and the traffic will be diverted to the Fallback offer or Fallback URL. (Fallback)
Enable Fallback + Approve Conversions - This action will redirect traffic to Fallback and If the Advertiser is sending Postback after limit reached then those Conversions will be recorded as approved status.
Last updated