Affiliate Global Postback

  1. Go to Affiliates » Affiliate Postback

  2. Click on "Add Global Postback"

3. Go to Add Global postback button

Add Global S2S (Server to Server Postback)

Postback Parameter



To send Click ID to Affiliates


To send Sub Affiliate ID to Affiliates


Additional information sent by Affiliate in Offer URL


Additional information sent by Affiliate in Offer URL


Additional information sent by Affiliate in Offer URL


Additional information sent by Affiliate in Offer URL


Additional information sent by Affiliate in Offer URL


Pass Payout amount to Affiliates via Postback


Pass Event token to Affiliates in Postback


Pass Currency format in Postback


Pass random value to Affiliates in Postback


Additional information passed by client's Advertisers


Additional information passed by client's Advertisers

Add Global image pixel

While placing image pixel / pixel code for the Affiliate as a Global pixel - the Admin user has to make sure he only places the pixel URL and nothing else. For example, image pixel

<img src="" width="0" height="0"/>

Add Global iframe pixel

Whenever the user gets iframe pixel code from Affiliates the Global pixel they just need to copy and paste the code as it is in the Postback URL field.

Last updated