Affiliate Postback Test

The quickest way to test integration with an Affiliate is the Affiliate Postback Test.

Requirements for Integration

  1. Affiliate must set up Campaign link with proper placement of Macros and Parameters for Integration.

  2. Postback must be saved in that Affiliate's profile. (Global / Offer Based)

  3. Test URL must be shared by the Affiliate.

Navigate to

  1. Affiliate » Postback Test

  2. Place the test link in "Affiliate URL"

  3. Select Useragent » Initiate Test

Deep Postback Test - Affiliate

The Deep Postback Test is for testing with an Affiliate at an advanced level. In this test, Conversion activity between Admin user of Offer18 Platform and his Affiliates works like actual Conversion activity by the system.

  1. Go to Affiliate » Postback Test » Deep Postback Test

  2. Select the Offer for which the user wants to perform the test.

  3. Admin user has to place the test link given by the Affiliate.

  4. Click on Test 1 (a new tab will open with Campaign redirection in it)

  5. Close Window After all Redirects are Completed.

  6. Click on Test 2 (System will trigger the Postback to process Conversion tested)

That's it, wait for results to appear on the right side of the window


The top part of the results will show the TID value generated for test Conversion and the rest of the data passed by the Affiliate in the Affiliate Tracking URL.

Affiliate postback URL (Preview)

This part shows the preview of the final Postback URL which is going to be triggered for Affiliates in this test performed.

Affiliate Postback Response (Fired)

This part displays the actual Postback triggered for the Affiliate and the HTTP response given by the Affiliate's system. Admin user is recommended to check with the Affiliate regarding this part of the result page.

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