Offer Sync Guide
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The General Purpose of Using the API feature is to Import / Synchronize the Offers quickly from Advertiser's Platforms, respectively.
2. Select Network / Partner Platform » Setup
Credentials - These will be API details given by the Advertiser which will include API domain, Key as main credentials. Usually, these always change as per Platforms
Specify API name
Enter API Credentials
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The options row includes various configuration settings that the user wants to make in imported Offers
This is the Schedule defines how much time API should be updated automatically
Affiliate Payout %
This helps in specifying the % of Payout user wants to share with your Affiliate
Stop Offer
Users can configure what settings should be applied to the Offers which are not got synced in the next scheduled sync of the API
This would be the profile of that Advertiser user created under which all of the synced Offers will get saved
Offer Visibility
The user can select by default Visibility status for synced Offers for Affiliates. (Public, Public + Approval Required, Private)
Global Fallback and custom Fallback can apply to synced Offers
Offer Category
Category can be selected for the synced Offers
Offer Description
Description added here will be prepended in synced Offer's Description
Offer KPI
Offer KPI added here will be prepended in synced Offer's Description
Remove Tracking URL Tokens
Using this option one can remove unnecessary tokens in Offer URL
Append Tracking URL Tokens
Using this option one can Append necessary tokens in Offer URL
Assign Affiliates
One can Assign Affiliates to Synced Offers
Over Capping Action
Over Capping Actions can be added to synced Offers
Using filter options, one can filter the sync results to get particular / desired data from the Advertisers
Filers in Offer Sync are
Offer Sync Limit
One can limit the count of Offers to be synced from API
Offers with specific Models can be filtered using this
Price Range
One can set a lower and upper limit for price in Offers to be synced from API
Offer Status
Offers with specific status can be filtered using this approved/expired
Offers for specific Operating systems can be filtered using this
Offers for specific Countries can be filtered using this
Offers for specific Currency can be filtered using this
Events / Goals
Offers containing specific events can be filtered using this
Advertiser Offers
One can specify the Advertiser ID whose Offer must sync or must not be synced
These are the fields that can be configured by the user to sync either always or one time or never.
Using this one can check the raw response of API.