Postback Integration
Postback / Callback URL to be used as a mode of receiving / pulling Conversions recording from Advertiser Platform to Offer18.
Last updated
Postback / Callback URL to be used as a mode of receiving / pulling Conversions recording from Advertiser Platform to Offer18.
Last updated
Go to Shortcuts » Postback
Offer18 automatically generates a standard Global Postback URL.
Offer / Advertiser specific Postbacks can be generated in this section.
It is always recommended to users of Offer18 to Coordinate with Advertiser Partner to ensure all the parameters and macros are properly implemented.
Example Offer URL
Example Global Postback (S2S)
Image pixel integration is completely dependent on the browser's cookies.
When the image pixel is configured there is no requirement for &tid= parameter.
Example Image pixel
iframe pixel integration is completely dependent on the browser's cookies.
When the iframe pixel is configured there is no requirement for &tid= parameter.
Example iframe pixel
Macro Name
To receive a unique Click ID value being passed in Offer URL
It will be used to receive Event values (install, signup, etc)
Adv Sub1 - Adv Sub5
adv_sub1 - adv_sub5
Receive additional value from Advertiser
Recommended to use in CPS Campaign (&sale=000)
Recommended to use in CPA Campaign (&payout=000)
3-digit currency code
When the Client wants to place a pixel through Google Tag Manager. Using the Google Tag Manager template available in the user's account is recommended
Example GTM Postback
This template supports * (Default Domain). To utilise a custom domain in the GTM Template, contact the support team.
Video Tutorial - How to configure Google Tag Manager Template.