AppsFlyer - Click Signing

The feature provides ability to sign every single Click sent to AppsFlyer from Offer18.

How it works ? A unique code (Signature) with a expiry period is attached to a Click and sent via the AppsFlyer's Attribution URL. If the Signature is expired or Invalid, the Click will be rejected in AppsFlyer. You can learn more about this feature here 🔗 AppsFlyer

Enable Click Signing

Get AppsFlyer Access Key

  • Login into your AppsFlyer account

  • Go to Security Center » API Tokens

  • Copy your API token

  1. Go to Offer18 Account » Settings

  2. Go to Tracking

  3. Select "Enable Signature Validation"

  4. Place "AppsFlyer API Token" in "Access Key Field"

  5. Select Advertiser » Submit

Test Click Signing

  1. Go to Offer18 Account » Settings

  2. Tracking » Test Click Signing

  3. Select Partner: "AppsFlyer"

  4. Place "AppsFlyer API Token" in "Secret Key"

  5. Place AppsFlyer's Tracking URL Containing Click ID and Signature in "Partner Tracking URL"

  6. Submit

Use Case

The use case of this tool will be that not even a single Click will redirect without validation. The network whose traffic is redirecting, will be able to configure at his end.

Last updated