Offer - Payout Rules

Go to Offers » Offer-Approved

  1. Click on the Offer name to enter in its configuration » Events / Payout tier

Payout Rules

Using this feature user have even more control over their revenue and payouts. With this customized feature, one can now create tailor payouts based on up to 24 different data points and specific criteria.

This means that user can establish unique payouts for conversions from different countries, device types, sources, etc. one can even create multiple rules and set priorities for them, ensuring that their payouts are optimized for maximum revenue.

Steps to follow

  1. Scroll Down to Payout Rules

  2. Go to "+Create Payout Rule" to create new payout rule for the offer

  3. Configure Payout Rule

  4. Go to Submit

Fields in Payout Rule

Data points

These are the fields and parameters on the basis dynamic payout rules can be created, such as :

Affiliate ID, Event, Country, Sale Amount, Payout (postback), Conversion CTIT, Device Type,
Browser, OS, Landing Page, Source, Sub Affiliate, Aff Click ID, Aff Sub1, Aff Sub2,
Aff Sub3, Aff Sub4, Aff Sub5, Adv Sub1, Adv Sub2, Adv Sub3, Adv Sub4, Adv Sub5, Week Days

Data Point values

User can add values of data points according to different conditions in Payout rule.

Data Point Conditions

These are the condition in payout rule under which the rule determine the dynamic value of Payout and Revenue. There are several conditions, such as :

  • is equal - Triggers when the data point value is equal to the value defined in rule

  • not equal - Triggers when the data point value is not equal to the value defined in rule

  • not contains - Triggers when the added value does not exists in data point value

  • contains - Triggers when the added value exists in the data point value

  • is empty - Triggers when the data point value is empty

  • not empty - Triggers when the data point value is not empty

  • greater than - Triggers when the data point value is greater than the value defined in rule

  • less than - Triggers when the data point value is less than the value defined in rule

  • between - Triggers when the data point value is between values( high / low ) defined in rule

Last updated